
Erotic Literature

29 results found

ARISTENETE. Lettres auxquelles on a ajouté les Let... (1739)

ARISTENETE. Lettres auxquelles on a ajouté les Lettres choisies d'Alciphron Traduites du Grec.  
A Londres, Aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1739.
Small 12mo...
  Full long grain red morocco, ornate spine with nerves, large gilt fleuron in the center of the boards that are framed by gilt fillets with florets in the corners, blunt lower corners, stained lower board ((Thouvenin le Jeune). (ref.113990)

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First Edition of this anonymous translation of Aristenete's Love Letters. ... more

[ BOISSY (Louis de) ]. Les Filles Femmes, et les F... (1751)
"Naughty little fairy tale that was not made for children"  

[ BOISSY (Louis de) ]. Les Filles Femmes, et les Femmes Filles, ou le Monde changé: Conte qui n'en est pas un. Par M. Simien. Les Quinze minutes, ou le temps bien employé: Conte d'un quart d'heure.  
Au Parnasse, par les Libraires Associés, 1751.
  Later full red morocco (early 20th century, slightly faded spine). (ref.113989)

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Original Edition of these "erotic fairy tales" composed by the ... more

BREM (Johann Georg). Dissertatio Juridica de Frigu... (1688)
Legal considerations on frigidity  

BREM (Johann Georg). Dissertatio Juridica de Frigusculo von kalt-sinniger Liebe.  
Ienae, Gollnerianis, 1688.
  Modern boards. (ref.94884)

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Curious memoir on frigidity studied from the legal point of ... more

[ CAMMAILLE-SAINT-AUBIN (Nicolas) ]. Glicère, ou l... (1796)
Printed in one hundred copies
With an essay on erotic poetry  

[ CAMMAILLE-SAINT-AUBIN (Nicolas) ]. Glicère, ou la Philosophie de l'Amour. Poème champêtre divisé en autant de Parties que le Jour.  
A Zurich, 1796.
  Green quarter-morocco, ornamented spine with nerves, upper edge gilt (Raparlier). (ref.113623)

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Very rare First Edition of this philosophical-poetic essay on love, ... more

CHAPELET (Le) de la bonne compagnie. (1806)
An unreferenced libertine poem?  

CHAPELET (Le) de la bonne compagnie.  
A Paris, chez Petit et Debray, 1806.
  Modern wrappers. (ref.98919)

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First Edition, very rare, of this libertine and anticlerical poem ... more


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